Known Weapons
Automatic Weapons | |||||||||
Type | Classification | Examples | Description | Requirements | Range | Hands | Effects | Alternate Effects | Traits |
Unarmed Combat | Finesse or Might Integrated | punches, kicks, brass knuckles | Natural or simple wearable weapons that use blunt force trauma | Reach | 0 | 1 Stun | 1 Blunt Damage ( |
Blunt BluntA dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact. Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Standard Weapons | |||||||||
Type | Classification | Examples | Description | Requirements | Range | Hands | Effects | Alternate Effects | Traits |
Close Combat Blade | Finesse or Might Sidearm | boot knife, hand axe, cleaver | A short sharp edge | Reach | 1 | 1 Sharp | Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Close Combat Bludgeon | Finesse or Might Sidearm | bat, baton, stick, wrench | The oldest weapon in human history | Reach | 1 | 1 Blunt | Blunt BluntA dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact. Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Concussion Grenade | Targeting Sidearm Explosive | pineapple or stun grenade | A grenade meant to disable or confuse victims | 20ft/50ft | 1 | 1 Stun, Blast: 10ft radius | Consumable ConsumableUsing this weapon destroys it, even if it misses its target |
Frag Grenade | Targeting Sidearm Explosive | golfball or stick grenage | A grenade that propels shrapnel into its victims | 20ft/50ft | 1 | 1 Sharp, Blast: 10ft radius | Consumable ConsumableUsing this weapon destroys it, even if it misses its target Wrecker WreckerOn a miss, the area targeted becomes rough terrain. |
Harpoon Gun | Targeting Medium Projectile | Spear-fishing gun | Tethered harpoon weapons meant to catch and retrieve prey. | - | 30ft/60ft | 2 | 1 Sharp | Amphibious AmphibiousCan be used on land or water without penalty. Grapple GrappleWeapons with this trait always target evasion. On a successful attack, the target gains the Grappled condition. A sturdy rope or cable usually connects grapple weapons to their launchers, allowing them to grapple up to the weapon's maximum range. (see page Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. |
Irritant Disperser | Targeting Sidearm Explosive | Glitter bomb | A nonlethal burst of glitter meant to annoy or disrupt the opposition. | - | 20ft/50ft | 1 | Blinding Blast 10 ft. radius | 1 Stun Blast ( |
Consumable ConsumableUsing this weapon destroys it, even if it misses its target Marked MarkedA target hit with this effect is coated in a highly-visible substances that make identifying them extremely easy. Removing the substance takes several minutes of scrubbing. Temperamental TemperamentalIf you Fumble an Attack, you become the target of the weapon's effect, or a secondary effect at the GM's whim. |
Pistol | Targeting Sidearm Projectile | hand gun, revolver | A regular pistol | 25ft/80ft | 1 | 1 Sharp | Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. |
Rifle | Targeting Sidearm Projectile | bolt-action rifle, lever action rifle | Standard two handed firearm | 100ft/400ft | 2 | 1 Sharp | Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Sniper SniperLong range projectile weapons that utilize a combatant's patience and camouflage to take covert shots. |
Shotgun | Targeting Sidearm Projectile | pump-action or combat shotgun | A short range firearm that discharges pellets or shrapnel | 20ft/60ft | 2 | 1 Sharp, MT: 2/15ft cone | Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. |
Smoke Canister | Targeting Sidearm Explosive | Smoke bomb, or signal smoke | Chemical smoke-generating device. | - | 20ft/50ft | 1 | Cover Blast 10ft radius | Consumable ConsumableUsing this weapon destroys it, even if it misses its target |
Limited Weapons | |||||||||
Type | Classification | Examples | Description | Requirements | Range | Hands | Effects | Alternate Effects | Traits |
Accessory Derringer | Targeting Integrated Projectile | Belt-buckle gun, or ring gun | A single-shot weapon hidden in clothing or jewelry. | Infiltration d4 | 10ft/30ft | 0 | 1 Sharp | Obfuscated ObfuscatedWeapons with this trait are undetectable when not in use. Noticing an Obfuscated weapon requires a DIF 25 Alertness Skill Test.This DIF is decreased 5 if the searcher is patting down or closely inspecting the person with the weapon. Integrated weapo Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. Temperamental TemperamentalIf you Fumble an Attack, you become the target of the weapon's effect, or a secondary effect at the GM's whim. |
Artillery Lobber | Targeting Long Explosive | Grenade launcher, mortar | A weapon designed to fire explosive shells in an arc | Science d2 | 100ft/200ft (min 30ft) | 2 | 1 sharp, Blast 10ft radius, trip | Anti-tank Anti-tankAttacks ignore plating bonuses to Toughness. Indirect IndirectDoes not need line of sight to Acquire a target and ignores cover as long as the target does not have total cover directly above them. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Wrecker WreckerOn a miss, the area targeted becomes rough terrain. |
Assault Rifle | Targeting Medium Projectile | M-4, AK-47, FN FAL | Rifles engineered to fire rapidly without the mass of a machine gun | 60ft/100ft | 2 | 1 Sharp | 2 Sharp ( |
Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. |
Close Combat Heavy Blade | Finesse or Might Medium | Fire axe, machete | A heavy weapon that can still be wielded with one hand | Reach | 1 or 2 | 1 Sharp | 2 Sharp (two hands) | Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Close Combat Heavy Bludgeon | Finesse or Might Medium | Cudgel, maul, sledgehammer | A large blunt weapon that can be wielded one handed | Reach | 1 or 2 | 1 Sharp, 1 Stun | 2 Blunt (two hands) | Blunt BluntA dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact. Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Directed Element Rifle | Targeting Long Element | Laser rifle, incendiary blaster | A concentrated beam of elemental fury | Technology d2 | 75ft | 2 | 1 Element | Computerized ComputerizedContains a processing unit that needs to be rebooted as a Move action if successfully hit with an Electromagnetic effect. Element ElementElement weapons, like flamethrowers and tasers, deal specialized types of damage. When receiving an Element weapon for a mission, you must first choose the type of element the weapon uses. See page 147 for details. |
Element Grenade | Targeting Sidearm Element | EMP bomb, liquid nitrogen grenade, thermite grenade | A grenade that explodes in an elemental burst | 20ft/50ft | 1 | 1 Element, Blast 10ft radius | Consumable ConsumableUsing this weapon destroys it, even if it misses its target Computerized ComputerizedContains a processing unit that needs to be rebooted as a Move action if successfully hit with an Electromagnetic effect. Element ElementElement weapons, like flamethrowers and tasers, deal specialized types of damage. When receiving an Element weapon for a mission, you must first choose the type of element the weapon uses. See page 147 for details. |
Element Jet | Targeting Medium Element | Flamethrower, acid sprayer, frost cannon | A weapon that sprays a cone with distraction | 15ft | 2 | 1 Element, Blast 15ft cone | Intimidating | Element ElementElement weapons, like flamethrowers and tasers, deal specialized types of damage. When receiving an Element weapon for a mission, you must first choose the type of element the weapon uses. See page 147 for details. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. |
Large Thrown Weapon | Athletics Medium Projectile | Spear, throwing axe | Big improvised weapons, like a couch | 20ft/40ft | 1 | 1 Blunt or Sharp | Blunt BluntA dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Long Blade | Finesse or Might Long | Claymore, nodachi, scythe, glaive, zweihander | A big blade with a longer reach | Finesse or Might d4 | Reach x2 | 2 | 1 Sharp | 1 Sharp, MT: 3 reach ( |
Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Long Bludgeon | Finesse or Might Medium | Chain whip, taiga, staff | Reach weapons | Finesse or Might d4 | Reach x2 | 2 | 1 Blunt | 1 Stun ( |
Blunt BluntA dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact. Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Long Range Rifle | Targeting Long Projectile | Marksmans rifle, sniper rifle | Rifles made to reach out and kill a target over a long distance | Alertness d4 | 150ft/600ft (min 30ft) | 2 | 1 Sharp | 2 Sharp ( |
Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Mounted MountedRequires a mount, such as a tripod or shooting rest, that takes a Standard Action to setup, and a free action to pick up. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. Sniper SniperLong range projectile weapons that utilize a combatant's patience and camouflage to take covert shots. |
Machine Gun | Targeting Long Projectile | SAW, FN Minimi, M60 | Powerful automatic weapon firing rifle rounds | Brawn d2 | 40ft/160ft (min 10ft) | 2 | 1 Sharp | 2 Sharp ( |
Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. |
Medium Blade | Finesse or Might Medium | Katana, broad sword, rapier | A long sword or battleaxe | Reach | 1 | 1 Sharp | 1 Sharp, MT: 2 reach ( |
Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Projectile Launcher | Targeting Medium Projectile | Crossbow, bows | A device that launches larger projectiles with air or tension | 50ft/100ft | 2 | 1 Sharp | Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. Sniper SniperLong range projectile weapons that utilize a combatant's patience and camouflage to take covert shots. |
SBR Carbine | Targeting Medium Projectile | DDM 4, Rattler | A short barreled rifle. | targeting d4 | 50ft/80ft | 1 or 2 | 1 Sharp | 1 Sharp (one hand ( |
Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Burst-fire Burst-fireWeapons of this trait count as pistols for purposes of the Snap Shots General Perk. If fired more than once in the same round, this weapons counts as if it had the Reload trait for the turn. |
Short Blade | Finesse or Might Sidearm | Bowie knife, short sword, wakizashi | Bigger than a knife, but not yet a full sized sword | Reach | 1 | 1 Sharp | Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Short Bludgeon | Finesse or Might Sidearm | Nunchaku, escrima sticks | Blunt weapons designed to swing with an attacker’s strikes | Reach | 1 | 1 Stun | 1 Blunt ( |
Blunt BluntA dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact. Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Small Thrown Weapon | Athletics Sidearm Projectile | rock, knife | Simple, usually improvised weapons | Brawn d4 | 10ft/20ft | 1 | 1 Blunt or Sharp | Blunt BluntA dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Thrown Blade | Targeting Sidearm Projectile | Throwing knives or stars | Tiny sharp projectiles made for tossing | Targeting d4 | 20ft/30ft | 1 | 1 Sharp | Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Thrown Bludgeon | Targeting Sidearm Projectile | Boomerang, discus, shot-put | Small heavy projectiles made for throwing | Targeting d4 | 20ft/30ft | 1 | 1 Stun | 1 Blunt ( |
Blunt BluntA dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact. Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Restricted Weapons | |||||||||
Type | Classification | Examples | Description | Requirements | Range | Hands | Effects | Alternate Effects | Traits |
Artillery Cannon | Targeting Long Projectile | Howitzer | A modern cannon ideal for penetrating armor, or blasting a group | Brawn d6 | 300ft/600ft (min 30ft) | 2 | 2 Sharp | 2 Sharp, Blast 20ft radius | Anti-tank Anti-tankAttacks ignore plating bonuses to Toughness. Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Mounted MountedRequires a mount, such as a tripod or shooting rest, that takes a Standard Action to setup, and a free action to pick up. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. Vehicular VehicularThis weapon is too unwieldy for a soldier and can only be mounted on a vehicle. Wrecker WreckerOn a miss, the area targeted becomes rough terrain. |
Energized Close Combat Weapon | Finesse or Might Sidearm Element | taser, shishkebab | Melee weapons that generate or are incased in an element | Reach | 1 | 1 Element | Intimidating | Computerized ComputerizedContains a processing unit that needs to be rebooted as a Move action if successfully hit with an Electromagnetic effect. Element ElementElement weapons, like flamethrowers and tasers, deal specialized types of damage. When receiving an Element weapon for a mission, you must first choose the type of element the weapon uses. See page 147 for details. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. |
Float Bomb | Targeting Sidearm Explosive | Expanding foam grenades | An explosive that releases an expanding and buoyant foam. | 20ft/50ft | 1 | 1 Stun blast 10ft radius, shove | Amphibious AmphibiousCan be used on land or water without penalty. Consumable ConsumableUsing this weapon destroys it, even if it misses its target Temperamental TemperamentalIf you Fumble an Attack, you become the target of the weapon's effect, or a secondary effect at the GM's whim. |
Grappler | Finesse Long | Whip or Lasso | A long weapon that can bind a target | Finesse d2 | Reach x3 | 2 | Maneuver | Intimidating | Martial Arts Martial ArtsWeapons and techniques used by trained martial artists. Silent SilentUse makes no noise. |
Heavy Machine Gun | Targeting Heavy Projectile | “Ma deuce” .50 | A large powerful machine gun with incredible recoil | Brawn d4 | 100ft/400ft (min 10ft) | 2 | 2 Sharp | 3 Sharp ( |
Anti-tank Anti-tankAttacks ignore plating bonuses to Toughness. Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Mounted MountedRequires a mount, such as a tripod or shooting rest, that takes a Standard Action to setup, and a free action to pick up. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. |
Long Range Automatic Rifle | Targeting Long Projectile | CSASS rifle, FN SCAR, Barret light 50 | A scoped rifle with rapid reloading that fires from a magazine | Brawn d2, Alertness d2 | 150ft/600ft (min 30ft) | 2 | 2 Sharp | Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Mounted MountedRequires a mount, such as a tripod or shooting rest, that takes a Standard Action to setup, and a free action to pick up. Sniper SniperLong range projectile weapons that utilize a combatant's patience and camouflage to take covert shots. |
Missile | Targeting Long Explosive | A ballistic missile or guided rocket | A self-propelled projectile with a self-guided explosive payload | Brawn d6 | 500ft/1000ft | 2 | 1 Element, Blast 50ft radius | 2 Element or 2 Element, Blast 20Ft radius | Anti-tank Anti-tankAttacks ignore plating bonuses to Toughness. Computerized ComputerizedContains a processing unit that needs to be rebooted as a Move action if successfully hit with an Electromagnetic effect. Consumable ConsumableUsing this weapon destroys it, even if it misses its target Mounted MountedRequires a mount, such as a tripod or shooting rest, that takes a Standard Action to setup, and a free action to pick up. Element ElementElement weapons, like flamethrowers and tasers, deal specialized types of damage. When receiving an Element weapon for a mission, you must first choose the type of element the weapon uses. See page 147 for details. Vehicular VehicularThis weapon is too unwieldy for a soldier and can only be mounted on a vehicle. Wrecker WreckerOn a miss, the area targeted becomes rough terrain. |
Power Tool | Finesse or Might Medium | Chainsaw, power cutter | Tools made into deadly weapons | Reach x2 | 2 | 2 Blunt or Sharp ( |
Intimidating | Anti-tank Anti-tankAttacks ignore plating bonuses to Toughness. Blunt BluntA dense, flat object that pulverizes on impact. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. Wrecker WreckerOn a miss, the area targeted becomes rough terrain. |
Rocket Launcher | Targeting Heavy Explosive | RPG, Bazzoka | A ground to ground shoulder fired missile launcher | Brawn d2 | 100ft/200ft (min 30ft) | 2 | 2 Sharp, Blast 20ft radius | Anti-tank Anti-tankAttacks ignore plating bonuses to Toughness. Mounted MountedRequires a mount, such as a tripod or shooting rest, that takes a Standard Action to setup, and a free action to pick up. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. Sharp SharpA honed edge for slashing or stabbing. Wrecker WreckerOn a miss, the area targeted becomes rough terrain. |
Sawed-Off Shotgun | Targeting Sidearm Projectile | Sawed-off 12-gauge | A shotgun cut down for one-handed use. | Streetwise d2 | 20ft/40ft | 1 | 1 sharp, MT: 2 15ft cone | Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. |
Smart Grenade | Targeting Remote | Drone with a grenade | A homing grenade that locks onto a target | 20ft/50ft | 1 | 1 Element ( |
Consumable ConsumableUsing this weapon destroys it, even if it misses its target Computerized ComputerizedContains a processing unit that needs to be rebooted as a Move action if successfully hit with an Electromagnetic effect. Element ElementElement weapons, like flamethrowers and tasers, deal specialized types of damage. When receiving an Element weapon for a mission, you must first choose the type of element the weapon uses. See page 147 for details. |
Submachine Gun | Targeting Sidearm Projectile | Uzi, MAC-10, machine pistol | An automatic firearm that can empty a clip with a single squeeze | Brawn d2 | 20ft/80ft | 1 | 1 Sharp | 2 Sharp ( |
Ballistic BallisticA small projectile fired at irresistible speeds. Ballistic weapons automatically affect Toughness against targets at long range, unless the target is behind cover or has a perk that dictates its defense. Reload ReloadReloading this weapon is complicated. After firing the weapon, you must spend a Move action to reload it before you can use it again. |