Savage Rifts Close Combat Weapons

Common Weapon Rules

These are common rules that apply to a SWADE Rifts game.

Generic SWADE

Parry: The weapon adds the bonus to the character's Parry score. If a character wields a weapon in each hand, penalties to Parry stack but bonuses do not (unless she has the Ambidextrous Edge).

Reach: Weapons with “Reach” allow their user to make Fighting attacks at the listed range. A Reach of 1, for example, allows a character to strike a target 1″ distant. Weapons without a Reach value can only strike targets at arm’s length (adjacent). Reach can be very important when fighting from horseback and against mounted foes (see page 103).

Two Hands: A two-handed weapon can be used with one hand at a −4 penalty. Use the character's full Strength for damage but lose all other advantages such as Reach or Parry bonuses.

Savage Rifts

Mega Damage: Mega Damage is the same as the Heavy property in Savage Worlds.


Harmonic Blades: While powered, ignore the minimum Strength requirement of the Vibro-Blade as these weapons do their full damage and provide all noted bonuses.

Mega Damage: All Vibro-Blades deal Mega Damage.

Powered Weapons: Unless noted otherwise, Vibro-Blades lose Mega Damage and other special abilities if unpowered.


Techno-Wizardry Gear: Characters with an appropriate Arcane Background—or special ability—may use and power Techno-Wizardry gear with their personal pool of Power Points (PP), whether PPE or ISP. Activate TW gear embedded powers using the wielder’s PP and typically Arcane Skill or Spirit; Critical Failures cause Technical Difficulties, see Techno-Wizardry Gear on page 82.

Techno-Wizardry Melee Weapon Activation: Cost is to activate for five rounds per the number of Power Points (PP) listed. Magic Items do not require PP to function.

Mega Damage: All Techno-Wizard melee weapons deal Mega Damage while activated. The listed magical weapons deal Mega Damage.


Tri-beams: When you score a raise on a damage roll with a tribeam weapon, you add +4 to the damage total. This effect does not function if you are attacking a target protected by cerasteel armor.

53 weapons found

Name Type Damage AP Min Str Weight Rarity Cost Reference
Various Manufacturers
Battle Fury Blade MagicStr+2d6+412 d8 7 lbs. -6 12,000,000
TLPG98The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 98
Notes: A magic item; silver; +6 PP for +2 Fighting, Frenzy (Imp), +6 Toughness for 5 rounds.
Deathbringer Sword MagicStr+2d12+416 d8 5 lbs. -8 14,000,000
A&M45Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 45
Notes: A magic item; +1 Parry. As an action, roll Fighting and 10 PP to activate Greater protection and Greater damage field; or 5 PPE and Shooting for Greater bolt.
Draining Blade MagicStr+d88 d4 4 lbs. -4 3,000,000
TLPG98The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 98
Notes: A magic item; +2 PP for +2 damage and on successful hits target rolls Spirit vs the attack roll to resist both lower Trait (Vigor) and sloth; lasts 5 rounds.
Spirit Spear MagicStr+3d66 d6 3 lbs. Not for Sale
A&M45Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 45
Notes: A magic item. Wielder needs d8 minimum Spirit. Granted to great warriors and heroes, especially among Native American and First Nation cultures. Gains +1d6 damage and +6 AP against supernatural evil.
Impact Hammer PoweredStr+2d60 d8 10 lbs. 0 11,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Notes: +2 damage to break objects, Mega Damage.
Impact Maul PoweredStr+2d6+40 d10 18 lbs. -2 16,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Notes: Two hands, Mega Damage, +4 damage to break objects.
Neural Mace PoweredStr+2d60 d6 6 lbs. 1 8,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Notes: Touch Attack (see Savage Worlds), the victim must check Vigor at –2 (–4 with a raise) or be Stunned.
NG-B50 “Thunderer” Combat Hammer PoweredStr+d82 d8 12 lbs. -2 17,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Notes: *Only deals Mega Damage on a raise. Two hands, Shots 8, Reload 4, unpowered; a raise deals Str+d8+3d6 Mega Damage at +6 AP and uses one Shot per enemy damaged. Shotgun shells provide the +3d6 and cost 125 credits each (1,000 credits for a full reload). A spike on each side of the two-headed hammer is silver plated.
WI-C6 “Chain Sword” Chain Weapon PoweredStr+3d4+34 d12 16 lbs. -3 25,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Notes: Raise adds d12 damage; Critical Failures hit the wielder, Mega Damage.
WI-C8 “Juicer Chainsaw” Chain Weapon PoweredStr3d6+36 d12+2 20 lbs. -4 30,000
TLPG98The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 98
Notes: Parry –1, two hands; Raise adds d12 damage; Critical Failures hit the wielder.
Wilk’s Laser Torch Powered4d4+416 d4 1 lbs. 1 18,000
TLPG98The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 98
Notes: Parry –1 (unless otherwise considered armed), Strength does not affect damage, Incapacitated targets are +2 Vigor vs Bleeding Out.
Earth Shaker Techno-WizardryStr+2d6+20 d6 6 lbs. -3 200,000
TLPG98The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 98
Notes: Costs 1 PP; +3 PP on successful hits activate havoc against the target and anyone in a Cone Template; optionally by striking the ground the wielder may activate havoc in a Medium Blast Template centered on himself (the wielder himself is not affected).
Flaming Sword Techno-WizardryStr+d126 d4 2 lbs. -1 90,000
TLPG98The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 98
Notes: Costs 1 PP; blade has the flame Trapping, It Burns. Looks like a sword hilt with a large ruby embedded in it until activated (a free action; otherwise a Light Improvised Weapon).
Great Sword Techno-WizardryStr+2d6+26 d10 6 lbs. -2 42,000
A&M45Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 45
Notes: Two hands, Cost 1 PP, +1 Fighting (Parry –1 unless powered)
Katana Techno-WizardryStr+d8+48 d6 3 lbs. -2 60,000
A&M45Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 45
Notes: Cost 1 PP, +1 Fighting, +1 Parry, and Mega Damage.
Light Blade Techno-WizardryStr+d8+210 d4 2 lbs. -2 90,000
TLPG98The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 98
Notes: Costs 1 PP; blade has the sunlight Trapping. Looks like a sword hilt with a largefocusing crystal embedded in it until activated (a free action; otherwise a Light Improvised Weapon).
Lightning Axe Techno-WizardryStr+2d4+28 d6 8 lbs. -2 100,000
TLPG98The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 98
Notes: Costs 1 PP; blade has the electrical Trapping; +3 PP attacks which score a raise and cause a Shaken or Wounded result to power armor, robots, vehicles, or powered technical gear (TW or mundane) inflict an immediate roll on the Technical Difficulties table.
Longsword Techno-WizardryStr+d10+26 d8 3 lbs. -1 35,000
A&M45Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 45
Notes: Cost 1 PP, +2 Fighting and Mega Damage.
Mage Staff Techno-WizardryStr+d4+20 d6 6 lbs. -1 38,500
A&M45Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 45
Notes: Two hands. Cost 1 PP, +1 Fighting, +2 Parry, and Mega Damage.
Paralysis Staff Techno-WizardryStr+2d40 d6 4 lbs. -4 500,000
A&M45Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 45
Notes: Silver-tipped end caps. Cost 1 PP; a successful strike delivers lower Trait vs. Agility and Strength at the same time, as well as sloth.
Psi-Pike Techno-WizardryStr+2d88 d8 12 lbs. -3 80,000
A&M45Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 45
Notes: Reach 2, two hands. Cost 1 ISP (not PPE) for full benefits (has normal pike values, per Savage Worlds, if the wielder does not have ISP).
Whip of Pain Techno-WizardryStr+d42 d4 2 lbs. -3 200,000
A&M45Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 45
Notes: Reach 2. Cost 1 PP, strikes deliver stun. The wielder may use the whip to grapple at Reach range. The whip causes Str damage to Entangled or Bound foes.
Giant Vibro Sword Vibro-BladeStr+2d816 d12+2 16 lbs. -2 50,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Notes: Reach 2; sized for Size 2 or larger, requires two hands if not Size 3 or larger.
Vibro-Axe Vibro-BladeStr+2d610 d10 6 lbs. 0 11,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Vibro-Blade Vambraces Vibro-BladeStr+2d48 d6 2 lbs. -2 11,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Notes: Parry +1 (must be worn as a pair for the bonus). Count as Claws. Usually a katar or three hooked blades attached to a gauntlet.
Vibro-Greatsword Vibro-BladeStr+d1212 d10 8 lbs. -1 18,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Notes: Reach 1, two hands (Size 1 and above may use 1 handed)
Vibro-Halberd Vibro-BladeStr+d1010 d8 6 lbs. -2 10,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: Reach 1, two hands.
Vibro-Harpoon Vibro-BladeStr+d8+18 d8 4 lbs. 0 9,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: Thrown Range 4/8/16; with a raise Shaken or Wounded targets are impaled and Distracted until the harpoon is removed.
Vibro-Hatchet Vibro-BladeStr+2d48 d6 3 lbs. 1 8,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: Thrown Range 3/6/12.
Vibro-Knife Vibro-BladeStr+d66 d4 2 lbs. 2 7,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Vibro-Longsword Vibro-BladeStr+d1010 d8 4 lbs. 0 11,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Vibro-Shortsword Vibro-BladeStr+d88 d6 3 lbs. 0 9,000
TLPG97The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 97
Vibro-Spear Vibro-BladeStr+d88 d6 3 lbs. 1 8,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: Reach 1, Parry +1 if used two-handed, thrown Range 3/6/12.
Vibro-Trident Vibro-BladeStr+3d412 d10 5 lbs. -1 14,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: +1 to Disarm or Test opponents, thrown Range 3/6/12.
Lariat normal00 d4 3 lbs. 0 10
LoTI62Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 62
Notes: Used to initiate a Test using the wielder’s Fighting skill. The target is Entangled with success, Bound on a raise. Cost is 10 credits for Hardness 4, 100 for Hardness 6, 1,000 for Hardness 8, 10,000 for Hardness 10 (the maximum).
Amaki Blast Sword PoweredStr+d1210 d4 4 lbs. -3 25,000
LoTI62Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 62
Notes: Mega Damage (melee only), Powered by E-clip for 200 minutes, Can fire plasma shots (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d6, AP 2, RoF 1, each shot drains 10 minutes of use).
Amaki Psimitar Techno-Wizardryspecial0 d4 3 lbs. -3 30,000
LoTI62Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 62
Notes: Only works with Psi-Blade or Psi-Sword. Add +2 PP to activation cost, treat Smarts as two die types higher for damage purposes, and add AP equal to half Smarts.
Tri-blade Energy Sword PoweredStr+3d40 d6 -43 lbs. -4 50,000
LoTI192Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 192
Notes: The blade’s effect is the same as a tri-beam weapon.
Kittani Double Bladed Plasma Axe PoweredStr+2d12+30 d10 10 lbs. 0 32,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: *May fire a plasma bolt (Range 5/10/20, 3d12+3 Mega Damage, AP 0, RoF 1, Shots 6).
Kittani Energy Net Powered00 d6 8 lbs. -2 6,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: Thrown Range 3/6/12. Targets hit are Entangled, or Bound with a raise. Hardness 15. *Wielder may shock ensnared target as an action; target checks Vigor or is Stunned.
Kittani Energy Trident PoweredStr+3d4+312 d10 12 lbs. -3 55,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: +1 to Disarm or Test opponents. Thrown Range 3/6/12. *May fire a blue-green laser (Range 24/48/96, 4d6 Mega Damage, AP 2, RoF 1, Shots 30, 3RB).
Kittani Plasma Chainsaw PoweredStr+2d12+60 d12 10 lbs. -3 60,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: Parry –1, two hands; Raise adds d12 damage; Critical Failures hit the wielder.
Kittani Plasma Net Powered3d120 d6 6 lbs. -4 75,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: Thrown Range 3/6/12. Targets hit are Entangled, or Bound with a raise. Net is Hardness 12. *Targets continue to take damage every round they are ensnared.
Kittani Plasma Sword PoweredStr+2d120 d6 3 lbs. 1 28,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: *May fire a plasma bolt (Range 5/10/20, 3d12 Mega Damage, AP 0, RoF 1, Shots 6).
Kittani Plasma Whip PoweredStr+d120 d4 3 lbs. -1 30,000
AtDS54Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 54
Notes: Parry –2, Reach 2, Ignores shield bonus. With a raise on the attack roll the victim is Entangled instead of bonus d6 damage.
Demon Claw Falx Bio-WizardryStr+d12+66 d8 7 lbs. -7 9,000,000
AtDS55Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 55
Notes: Two hands. Opponents are –2 to Soak Wounds from this weapon. Deals +4 damage to champions of good or light. Deals +8 damage to supernatural creatures of good or light.
Demon Claw Sica Bio-WizardryStr+d8+44 d4 3 lbs. -5 5,000,000
AtDS55Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 55
Notes: Opponents are –2 to Soak Wounds from this weapon. Deals +4 damage to champions of good or light. Deals +8 damage to supernatural creatures of good or light.
Demon Claw Vambrace Bio-WizardryStr+2d4+44 d6 5 lbs. -6 7,000,000
AtDS55Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 55
Notes: Parry +1 (must be worn as a pair for the bonus). Count as Claws. Usually two or three claws attached to a gauntlet. Opponents are –2 to Soak Wounds; Deals +4 damage to champions of good or light. Deals +8 damage to supernatural creatures of good or light.
Domination Staff Bio-WizardryStr+d6+30 d6 10 lbs. -4 2,000,000
AtDS55Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 55
Notes: The wielder has command of a possessing entity enslaved to the staff. As an action she may command it to mentally possess one creature by making an opposed roll checking her Spirit versus the target's. Failure means the staff can't be used this way for six hours. With a success, the staff's entity inhabits the target’s body per the Possession Edge in The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, and the wielder may command them as a free action.
Dragonfire Sword Bio-WizardryStr+2d6+210 d8 7 lbs. -4 4,000,000
AtDS55Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 55
Notes: Deals +4 additional damage to targets vulnerable to Fire (on top of other bonuses). Three times per day as an action the wielder may cast burst dealing 6d6 Mega Damage.
Kinetic Staff Bio-WizardryStr+d6+30 d8 12 lbs. -5 3,000,000
AtDS55Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 55
Notes: The wielder has command of three tectonic entities enslaved to the staff. The staff has 30 ISP and the Rapid Recharge Edge. As an action she may command it to cast one of the following powers (may use Mega Power Modifiers): bolt, telekinesis, and protection.
Shield of Invincibility Bio-WizardryStr+d8+40 d6 10 lbs. -8 8,000,000
AtDS55Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 55
Notes: Hardness 40 (regenerates in a day if "broken"), provides +20 Toughness if someone attempts to shoot through it. Parry +4, Cover –4. The shield is powered by an Eye of Eylorat its center. As an action three times per day it may cast deflection on itself and the wielder. "The Fang" Sword Str+d12 6 d4 5 −2 200K
Venom Blade Bio-WizardryStr+2d42 d4 5 lbs. -3 600,000
AtDS55Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 55
Notes: Attacks made with the weapon are magically imbued with one type of venom chosen when it was created, see Poison in Savage Worlds. The types available are: Knockout, Mild (–4 save), and Paralyzing (–2 save). Lethal is Restricted to Splugorth minions.

Techno-Wizardry Item
