Savage Rifts Ranged Weapons

Common Weapon Rules

These are common rules that apply to a SWADE Rifts game.

Generic SWADE

Reload: Some weapons are much slower to reload. Once fired, the number after the word Reload is how many actions of reloading it takes before they can be fired again.

Snapfire: Certain weapons are very inaccurate if fired from the hip rather than using their sights, scopes, bipod, or tripod. If a character moves in the round he fires a Snapfire weapon, he suffers a −2 Shooting penalty.

Three-Round Burst (3RB): Some weapons can fire three rounds in rapid succession with one pull of the trigger. If the weapon has this ability, its RoF is 1 in that mode but it fires three shots at once and adds +1 to the Shooting and damage rolls.

Two Hands: A two-handed weapon can be used with one hand at a −4 penalty. Use the character's full Strength for damage but lose all other advantages such as Reach or Parry bonuses.

Savage Rifts

Three-Round Burst: is notated 3RB.

Heavy Beam: Energy weapons fired in this mode are RoF 1, use three Shots, add +4 to the damage roll, and apply the Snapfire and Mega Damage qualities.

Heavy Pulse: Energy weapons fired in this mode are RoF 1, use three Shots, add +1 to the Shooting roll, +3 to the damage roll, and apply the Snapfire and Mega Damage qualities.

Mega Damage: Mega Damage is the same as the Heavy property in Savage Worlds.


Wide Spread: These weapons follow the same rules as Shotguns in Savage Worlds; they grant +2 Shooting due to the spread effect of the particle stream, but they lose one die of damage at Medium Range, and two dice at Long Range.


It Burns: On a raise targets catch fire, they take 3d6 damage each round and are Distracted until doused (see Fire in Savage Worlds).

Mega Damage: Plasma weapons deal Mega Damage.

Particle Beams

Disintegration: These weapons deal Mega Damage, and +2d4 damage on a raise.

Atomic Annihilation: If a target without MDC armor is Wounded by the weapon (may Soak normally), the victim determines Injury per the Gritty Damage Setting Rule and rolls Vigor; failure combined with a limb hit completely disintegrates the limb, failure combined with a head or torso hit causes an immediate roll on the Death & Defeat table.

No Recoil: Particle beams ignore the Recoil penalty.


Cauterize: Anyone Incapacitated by a laser adds +2 to Vigor checks vs Bleeding Out.

No Recoil: Lasers ignore the Recoil penalty.

Blue-Green Laser: No penalties for use underwater.


Techno-Wizardry Gear: Heroes with an appropriate Arcane Background (or special ability) may use and power Techno-Wizardry gear with their pool of Power Points (PP), whether PPE or ISP. Activate TW gear powers using the wielder’s PP and Arcane Skill or Spirit; Critical Failures cause Technical Difficulties, see Techno-Wizardry Gear on page 82.

Recharging Shots: The Shots listed represent how many times a TW ranged weapon can be fired before the wielder has to spend an action pumping Power Points into the weapon to “refill” it; costs two PP unless noted otherwise.

Mega Damage: Wielder can expend 2 PP as a free action to cause Mega Damage for 5 rounds.

Big Bore

The BigBore Series of weapons, favorites among gunfighters and raiders, fire shells full of high explosive projectiles. The BigBore weapons are Shotguns with the following additional effects: Targets hit are Distracted and then roll Strength (−2 if shooter got a raise). Those who fail are hurled 2d6” and become prone, suffering another 2d4 damage if they strike a hard object. Targets with MDC or of Size (Large) or greater ignore this effect.


Tri-beams: When you score a raise on a damage roll with a tribeam weapon, you add +4 to the damage total. This effect does not function if you are attacking a target protected by cerasteel armor.

141 weapons found

Name Range Damage ROF AP Shots Min Str Weight Rarity Cost Reference
Various Manufacturers
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle 50/100/200 4d6+1 1 10 1 d12+1 70 lbs. -6 100,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Bipod (Min Str d6 if prone), Mega Damage, Snapfire, Reload 2 (each shot drains a full E-clip), Slow to Fire (beam takes a second to build up, giving non-vehicular targets an Evasion roll).
Assault Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 1 2 20 d6 10 lbs. -2 27,000
EoH41Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 41
Notes: Integral grenade launcher (15/30/60, RoF 1, Shots 8, damage by grenade type)
BG-15 Blue-Green Pistol 15/30/60 3d6 1 2 15 d4 2 lbs. 0 13,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Blue-Green Laser
BG-20 Blue-Green Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 1 2 20 d6 5 lbs. -1 20,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Blue-Green Laser
Bolas 3/6/12 Str+d4 1 0 0 d4 2 lbs. 0 5
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: A target hit with a raise is Entangled. Hardness varies; Cost is half of an equivalent lariat (page 62).
Firebolt Pistol 12/24/48 3d6 1 6 10 d4 3 lbs. -2 80,000
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: It Burns.
Fireburst Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 2 20 d4 9 lbs. -3 150,000
TLPG103The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 103
Notes: SBT, It Burns.
Force Cannon 50/100/200 3d12 1 12 6 d12 42 lbs. -4 300,000
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: Can only fire Heavy Bursts, which only use one Shot with each attack.
Freeze Grenade 5/10/20 0 0 0 0 d4 0 lbs. -2 25,000
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: Entangle, LBT
Heavy Portable Water Cannon 12/24/48 2d4 (3d10 to vampires) 1 0 5 d4 15 lbs. -2 18,000
B&B39Rifts North America: Blood & Banes, page 39
Notes: Add weight of Water Tanks
Hellfire Shotgun 12/24/48 1-3d10 1 0 2 d6 6 lbs. -2 65,000
TLPG103The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 103
Notes: SBT, on a raise It Burns. Double Barrels (see Shotguns in Savage Worlds). Heavyduty sawed-off shotgun, can still fire standard shotgun shells.
High-Tech Bow/XBow 15/30/60 Str+d8 0 1 0 d6 5 lbs. 2 1,000
EoH41Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 41
Notes: Two hands, see High-Tech Bows and Crossbows EoH page 42 for advanced ammunition types.
Iceblast Shotgun 12/24/48 1-3d8+1 1 0 2 d6 8 lbs. -2 40,000
TLPG103The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 103
Notes: On a raise target iced per sloth. Double Barrels (see Shotguns in Savage Worlds); can still fire standard shotgun shells.
Ion Pistol 10/20/40 1-3d8 1 0 10 d4 4 lbs. 0 10,000
EoH41Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 41
Notes: Wide Spread
JA-11 Juicer Assassin Energy Rifle 30/60/120 4d6 1 4 30 d6 7 lbs. -3 40,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
Notes: Heavy Beam. Integrated Multi-Optics Scope. As a free action, switch to ion beam (as an NG-IP7) or fire a bullet (as a Hunting Rifle with 1 Shot, see Savage Worlds). *Special: Shots +30 when a reserve E-Clip slot is loaded; this reserve is Reload 3.
JA-12 “One Man Army” Laser Rifle 30/60/120 4d6 1 3 30 d6 13 lbs. -5 50,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
Notes: Heavy Pulse. Integrated Multi-Optics Scope. Integral grenade launcher (24/48/96, damage by grenade, 4 Shots, Reload 2). *Special: Shots +30 when a reserve E-Clip slot is loaded; this reserve is Reload 3.
JA-9 Variable Laser Rifle 30/60/120 4d6 1 3 30 d4 3 lbs. -4 25,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
Notes: Heavy Beam. Ignores laser resistance. Integrated Multi-Optics Scope.
L-20 Pulse Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 2 40 d6 7 lbs. 1 25,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
Notes: Heavy Pulse.
Laser Pistol 12/24/48 3d6 1 2 16 d4 2 lbs. 1 5,000
EoH41Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 41
Light Portable Water Cannon 4/8/16 1d4 (2d10 to vampires) 1 0 5 d4 11 lbs. -1 9,000
B&B39Rifts North America: Blood & Banes, page 39
Notes: Add weight of Water Tanks
Lightning Rifle 20/40/80 4d6+1 1 4 7 d6 9 lbs. -3 75,000
TLPG103The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 103
Notes: Volcanic carbine, can fire standard ammo (use Spencer Carbine in Savage Worlds).
Lightning Rod 12/24/48 2d12 3 4 16 d4 3 lbs. -3 80,000
TLPG103The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 103
Notes: Provides the protection power (+4 Toughness and +4 MDC Armor, or +6 of each with a raise) against damage from electricity, fire/heat, lasers, particle beams, and plasma.
Metal Water Pistol 4/8/16 1d10 to vampires 1 0 12 d4 2 lbs. 0 150
B&B39Rifts North America: Blood & Banes, page 39
Metal Water Rifle 8/16/32 2d10 to vampires 1 0 12 d4 8 lbs. 0 350
B&B39Rifts North America: Blood & Banes, page 39
N-20 Speargun 5/10/20 2d8 1 2 3 d6 6 lbs. 1 21,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Reload 2. As a free action, switch to blue-green laser (as a BG-15).
NP-10 Plasma Net Launcher 15/30/60 special 1 0 1 d6 8 lbs. 0 20,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Target Entangled (Bound on a raise) by Hardness 10 net. Net burns for 3d12 Mega Damage for the next d4 rounds, then disintegrates. Large foes can only be Entangled, not Bound. Cannot affect Huge+ foes. 300 credits per net-grenade.
Nova Rifle 30/60/120 4d8 1 8 8 d4 10 lbs. -3 130,000
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: MBT, It Burns.
Particle Beam Rifle 18/36/72 4d8 1 4 8 d8 18 lbs. -4 50,000
EoH41Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 41
Notes: Mega Damage, Snapfire, Disintegration, Atomic Annihilation
Plasma Rifle 24/48/96 3d12 1 0 7 d8 14 lbs. -3 30,000
EoH41Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 41
Notes: Mega Damage, Snapfire, It Burns
Plastic Water Pistol 2/4/8 1d10 to vampires 1 0 12 d4 2 lbs. 1 10
B&B39Rifts North America: Blood & Banes, page 39
Plastic Water Rifle 4/8/16 2d10 to vampires 1 0 20 d4 3 lbs. 1 50
B&B39Rifts North America: Blood & Banes, page 39
Pulse Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 2 60 d6 7 lbs. -1 22,000
EoH41Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 41
Notes: 3RB
Shard Pistol 15/30/60 3d4 3 4 12 d4 3 lbs. -2 72,000
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: 3RB; targets hit suffer lower Trait vs Vigor; on a raise they also suffer Hinder.
Shock Pistol 10/20/40 3d6 1 3 10 d4 2 lbs. -1 52,000
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: Targets hit must make a Vigor roll at –2 (–4 with a raise) or be Stunned.; –2 to Notice when the pistol is concealed.
Snare Gun 8/16/32 0 1 0 2 d4 3 lbs. -3 45,000
TLPG104The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 104
Notes: Per the entangle power with Strong, using Shooting roll. A short, double-barreled flare gun; can still fire standard flares.
Spirit Bow 30/60/120 4d6 1 6 0 d6 3 lbs. Not for Sale
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: A magic item. Mega Damage. Fires spirit arrows—unlimited Shots but the archer needs d8 minimum Spirit. Granted to great warriors and heroes, especially among Native American and First Nation cultures. Gains +1d6 damage and +6 AP vs supernatural evil.
Starfire Pistol 15/30/60 2d12 1 4 12 d4 2 lbs. -3 80,000
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: +1 Shooting.
Storm Rifle 30/60/120 4d6+2 1 4 6 d4 8 lbs. -4 280,000
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: +1 Shooting. Havoc as an alternate attack (uses one shot).
Stun Gun 5/10/20 2d4 1 0 10 d4 2 lbs. -2 4,000
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: Victim rolls Vigor at –2 (on a raise –4) or is Stunned, unless a Called Shot is made the embedded Toughness from Body Armor is added as a bonus to the Victim's check.
TK Machine Gun 30/60/120 4d6 4 3 100 d8 10 lbs. -3 75,000
TLPG104The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 104
Notes: Reload 2, 5 PP to reload.
TK Submachine Gun 15/30/60 3d6 3 2 40 d6 6 lbs. -2 50,000
TLPG104The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 104
Notes: 3RB, 3 PP to reload.
TW Disruptor 15/30/60 0 1 0 5 d6 8 lbs. -4 150,000
A&M44Rifts North America: Arcana & Mysticism, page 44
Notes: No damage to living beings. Roll Shooting or Arcane Skill against one technical item's Object Hardness (TW or mundane electrical item, must be carried by the target). On a success it suffers a Technical Difficulty (see Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide), adding +2 to the result with a raise. Doesn’t work on cybernetics, sealed armor, or vehicles.
Telekinetic Revolver 12/24/48 3d6 1 3 6 d4 4 lbs. -1 15,000
TLPG104The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 104
Notes: A Colt Peacemaker; can still fire standard rounds.
Water Pistol 4/8/16 1d10 1 0 40 d4 2 lbs. -1 20,000
TLPG104The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 104
Notes: Only damages vampires and those vulnerable to magical water-based attacks.
Water Rifle 6/12/24 1d10 1 0 40 d6 6 lbs. -2 40,000
TLPG104The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 104
Notes: 3RB, only damages vampires and those vulnerable to magical water-based attacks.
Windblaster Rifle 12/24/48 0 1 0 15 d6 10 lbs. -3 90,000
TLPG104The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 104
Notes: The “Windchester” causes havoc, use Shooting, against target and anyone in a Cone Template behind them. Can fire standard ammo (use Winchester ’73 in Savage Worlds).
Achilles Equalizer Combat Shotgun 12/24/48 1-3d6 1 0 10 d4 10 lbs. -1 12,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Listed Damage is for Shot rounds (+2 Shooting, 1 credit each). Can also fire Slugs (Damage 2d10, 2 credits), AP Explosive (3d6 Mega Damage in SBT, AP 8, 100 credits), Frag (4d6 Mega Damage in MBT, 500 credits), Smoke (—4 to vision in MBT, 100 credits), or Tear Gas (MBT, check Vigor at —2 or Stunned, 200 credits).
Amaki Blast Rifle 12/24/48 3d8 1 0 15 d6 10 lbs. -3 20,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: SBT, Heavy Pulse.
M-100 Crew-Served Gun 36/72/144 6d4 3 5 60 d8 21 lbs. -4 130,000
LoTI192Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 192
Notes: Tri-beam
TB-3 Pistol 12/24/48 3d4 1 5 15 d4 2 lbs. -4 12,000
LoTI192Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 192
Notes: Tri-beam
TB-9 Auto-Pistol 12/24/48 4d4 3 5 30 d6 5 lbs. -4 90,000
LoTI192Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 192
Notes: Tri-beam
TB-Prime Rifle 24/48/96 5d4 1 5 30 d6 10 lbs. -4 160,000
LoTI192Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 192
Notes: Integral grenade launcher (24/48/96, damage by grenade, 3 shots, Reload 2), tri-beam
Bandito Arms
Bandit 5500 Flechette 24/48/96 5d6 1 0 7 d10 30 lbs. -3 52,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
Notes: Known as the “Cactus Juicer” this gun is +1 Shooting and is a Shotgun for Innocent Bystanders, see Savage Worlds.
Bandit IP-10 Ion Pistol 10/20/40 1-3d8 1 0 10 d4 3 lbs. -1 12,000
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: +1 Shooting, Wide Spread.
Bandit LP1 Laser Pistol 15/30/60 3d6 1 2 20 d4 2 lbs. -1 20,000
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: +1 Shooting.
BigBore “BB-6” Revolver 6/12/24 1-3d6+1 1 3 6 d8 4 lbs. -2 6,500
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: BigBore. Revolver, each chamber of the cylinder requires an action to load.
BigBore “Long-Barrel” Shotgun 10/20/40 1-3d8+4 1 5 12 d10 8 lbs. -3 18,000
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: BigBore. Double-Barrels.
BigBore “the Mule” Sawed-Off 5/10/20 1-3d8+2 1 4 12 d10 6 lbs. -3 15,000
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: BigBore. Double-Barrels.
Coalition States
C-10 Light Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 1 2 30 d4 5 lbs. 1 16,000
SFNA6Rifts Savage Foes of North America, page 6
Notes: Multi-Optics Scope.
C-12 Heavy Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 3 30 d6 7 lbs. 0 20,000
SFNA6Rifts Savage Foes of North America, page 6
Notes: Heavy Pulse, Multi-Optics Scope.
*Special: Shots +30 when a reserve E-Clip slot is loaded; this reserve is Reload 3.
C-14 “Fire Breather” Assault Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 1 3 20 d6 10 lbs. -1 30,000
SFNA6Rifts Savage Foes of North America, page 6
Notes: Grenade launcher (18/36/72, Shots 12, damage by grenade type), Multi-Optics Scope.
C-18 Laser Pistol 12/24/48 3d6 1 3 10 d4 3 lbs. 2 12,000
SFNA6Rifts Savage Foes of North America, page 6
C-27 Plasma Cannon 20/40/80 3d12+3 1 0 10 d8 12 lbs. -3 32,000
SFNA6Rifts Savage Foes of North America, page 6
Notes: Mega Damage, It Burns.
C-29 “Hellfire” Heavy Plasma Cannon 18/36/72 3d12+6 1 0 10 d8 12 lbs. Not for Sale
EoH186Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 186
Notes: Snapfire, It Burns, Mega Damage; Multi-Optics Scope.
CP-30 Pulse Laser Pistol 10/20/40 3d6 3 4 10 d4 3 lbs. Not for Sale
EoH186Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 186
Notes: 3RB
CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 4 30 d6 7 lbs. Not for Sale
EoH186Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 186
Notes: Heavy Pulse, Mega Damage
CP-50 “Dragonfire” Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 4 20 d6 10 lbs. Not for Sale
EoH186Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 186
Notes: Heavy Pulse, grenade launcher, Multi-Optics Scope.
CR-1 Rocket Launcher 100/200/400 4d6 1 20 1 d6 14 lbs. -2 18,000
SFNA6Rifts Savage Foes of North America, page 6
Notes: Reload 2, Snapfire, Multi-Optics Scope; standard Armor Piercing load listed, also commonly use Plasma (7d6 Mega Damage, SBT, It Burns). Six missiles can be carried in a hip pack.
CV-212 Variable Frequency Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 3 30 d6 8 lbs. Not for Sale
EoH186Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 186
Notes: Heavy Pulse, Ignores laser resistance, Mega Damage; Multi-Optics Scope.
CV-212 Variable Light Frequency Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 3 30 d6 8 lbs. -5 50,000
SFNA6Rifts Savage Foes of North America, page 6
Notes: Heavy Pulse, Multi-Optics Scope, Ignores any laser resistance.
RA-C15 Cannon 15/30/60 6d6 3 10 200 d12+1 70 lbs. -3 85,000
LoTI64Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 64
Notes: Vehicular mounted weapon, Carpet Burst
RAR-C15 Rifle 15/30/60 5d6 3 10 60 d10 50 lbs. -2 65,000
LoTI64Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 64
Notes: Carpet Burst
RC-15 Rifle 12/24/48 3d6+6 2 3 20 d8 21 lbs. 1 15,000
LoTI64Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 64
Notes: Heavy Beam
RP-C20 Pistol 12/24/48 3d6 1 10 9 d6 4 lbs. -1 14,000
LoTI64Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 64
RR-C40 Rifle 12/24/48 4d6 3 10 30 d8 21 lbs. -2 35,000
LoTI64Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 64
Empire of the Sun
Illapa-1 Rocket Pistol 10/20/40 4d4 1 0 20 d6 5 lbs. 0 14,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Mega Damage. 20 credits per bullet.
Illapa-5 Outsize 24/48/96 4d4+2 3 0 600 d12+1 9 lbs. -1 52,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Mega Damage. Reload 1. 3RB. 30 credits per bullet. Wielder must be Size 1+.
Illapa-5 Rocket Rifle 24/48/96 4d4+2 3 0 60 d8 9 lbs. -1 26,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Mega Damage. Reload 1. 3RB. 30 credits per bullet.
Inti-10 Variable Laser Pistol 15/30/60 3d6 1 1 10 d4 2 lbs. 0 10,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Ignores laser resistance.
Inti-20 Variable Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 1 24 d6 4 lbs. 0 18,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Heavy Pulse. Ignores laser resistance.
Italo Industries
Italo I-10 Laser Beam 24/48/96 4d6 3 2 30 d6 7 lbs. 1 22,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Italo I-11 “Long Gun” Sniper Laser 30/60/120 4d6+1 1 5 10 d6 28 lbs. -4 50,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Integrated Multi-Optics Scope, Mega Damage, Snapfire.
Italo I-8 Laser Pistol 15/30/60 3d6+1 1 2 12 d4 4 lbs. 2 15,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Italo I-9 Heavy Ion Rifle 20/40/80 1-3d10+1 3 0 20 d6 8 lbs. -2 20,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Notes: Heavy Pulse.
Italo IP-7 Ion Pistol 10/20/40 3d8+1 1 0 12 d4 3 lbs. 1 15,000
LoTI63Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 63
Fireball Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 1 3 24 d6 10 lbs. -2 20,000
LoTI127Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 127
Flamer Pistol 12/24/48 3d6 1 3 12 d4 2 lbs. -2 10,000
LoTI127Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 127
SK Stun Gun 12/24/48 4d6 1 2 8 d4 3 lbs. -2 15,000
LoTI127Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 127
Notes: Can use a stun setting instead of a normal shot. Targets check Vigor, at −2 with a raise, to avoid being Stunned.
Stun Pistol 12/24/48 0 1 0 8 d4 3 lbs. -2 8,000
LoTI127Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 127
Notes: Targets check Vigor, at −2 with a raise, to avoid being Stunned.
Megaversal Legion
ARP-1 Plasma Rifle 24/48/96 3d12 3 0 30 d6 8 lbs. Not for Sale
LoTI211Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 211
Notes: It Burns, Mega Damage
H-11A Howitzer 60/120/240 4d10 1 6 6 d12+1 120 lbs. Not for Sale
LoTI211Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 211
Notes: 75mm tank rounds (500 credits each) fire from a revolver cylinder, Can fire HE (Dmg 3d8, AP 3, MBT), Mega Damage, Snapfire.
HIAR-22 Heavy I-Beam 30/60/120 4d8 3 4 150 d10 24 lbs. Not for Sale
LoTI211Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 211
Notes: 60 credits/reload, Integrated vibro-axe (Str+d10, AP 10), Mega Damage.
HRP-1 Plasma Heavy 24/48/96 3d12+3 1 0 20 d10 30 lbs. Not for Sale
LoTI211Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 211
Notes: Integrated vibro-axe (Str+d10, AP 10), It Burns, Mega Damage
IAR-2 Auto Pistol 20/40/80 3d8 1 3 20 d4 3 lbs. Not for Sale
LoTI211Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 211
Notes: 8 credits/reload, Mega Damage.
IAR-20 Inertial Rifle 30/60/120 4d8 3 4 90 d6 6 lbs. Not for Sale
LoTI211Rifts Land of a Thousand Islands, page 211
Notes: 36 credits/reload, Mega Damage, Variant IAR-20G has underbarrel grenade launcher (Rng 30/60/120, RoF 1, Shots 7, Wt +3).
NE-10 Plasma Cartridge Rifle 18/36/72 3d12+3 1 0 20 d6 20 lbs. -4 50,000
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: 3RB, Mega Damage, It Burns.
NE-200 Plasma Cartridge Machine Gun 24/48/96 3d12+6 3 0 200 d12 70 lbs. -5 100,000
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: Heavy Pulse, Mega Damage, It Burns, Weapon Mount (see Machine Guns in Savage Worlds). 200 cartridge belts are Reload 2, 40 cartridge magazines optional.
NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol 10/20/40 3d10+3 1 0 10 d10 6 lbs. -3 30,000
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: Mega Damage, It Burns.
Northern Gun
NG Super Laser Pistol 12/24/48 3d6+1 1 2 20 d6 13 lbs. -2 21,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
Notes: Integral grenade launcher (12/24/48, damage by grenade, 6 Shots, Reload 2).
NG-303 Rail Gun 30/60/120 2d10+2 3 6 20 d10 40 lbs. -2 68,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
NG-33 Laser Pistol 12/24/48 3d6 1 2 20 d4 4 lbs. 1 6,500
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
NG-45LP Long Pistol 15/30/60 3d8 1 3 8 d6 5 lbs. -2 15,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Disintegration, Atomic Annihilation, No Recoil
NG-56 Light Ion Pistol 10/20/40 1-3d8 1 0 12 d4 2 lbs. 0 5,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Wide Spread
NG-57 Heavy Ion Blaster 12/24/48 1-3d8+2 1 0 10 d6 5 lbs. -1 18,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Wide Spread
NG-59 Ion Pistol 10/20/40 1-3d8 1 0 20 d6 4 lbs. -3 15,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
Notes: Integral grenade launcher (12/24/48, damage by grenade, 1 Shot).
NG-E12 Heavy Ejector 24/48/96 3d12+6 1 0 12 d10 30 lbs. -2 80,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Snapfire, 42 Shot power pack available (20 lbs., 30,000 credits), Mega Damage, It Burns
NG-E15 Pulse Ejector 24/48/96 3d12+3 3 0 48 d12+1 70 lbs. -3 92,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Snapfire, Heavy Pulse, Mega Damage, It Burns
NG-E4 Plasma Ejector 24/48/96 3d12+3 1 0 12 d10 16 lbs. -1 30,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Mega Damage, It Burns
NG-IP7 Ion Pulse Rifle 20/40/80 1-3d10 3 0 30 d6 7 lbs. -2 20,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Heavy Pulse, Wide Spread
NG-L5 Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 1 2 20 d6 10 lbs. 0 16,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
NG-LG6 Laser Rifle & Launcher 24/48/96 4d6 1 2 20 d6 15 lbs. -1 20,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
Notes: Integral grenade launcher (18/36/72, damage by grenade, 5 Shots, Reload 2).
NG-P7 Particle Beam Rifle 18/36/72 4d8 1 8 8 d8 17 lbs. -4 22,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Snapfire, Disintegration, Atomic Annihilation, No Recoil
K-1 Sniper Laser Rifle & Launcher 24/48/96 4d6 1 2 30 d6 6 lbs. 0 60,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Snapfire, +1 Shooting with laser and launcher, Integrated Multi-Optics Scope. Integral Grenade launcher (15/30/60, damage by grenade, 2 Shots, Reload 2).
K-1000 Spider Laser Defense System 36/72/144 4d6+4 1 4 40 d12+1 80 lbs. -3 1,000,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Mega Damage. Can be handheld or spider legs can deploy from the small cannon, allowing it to function as a mobile automated defense system (Construct, all Attributes d4. Athletics d6, Shooting d6, Notice d6. Pace 6+d6. Hardness 15. Vow—Major serve owner)
K-30 Ion Pulse Rifle 15/30/60 1-3d10+1 3 0 30 d6 7 lbs. 0 45,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
K-4 Laser Pulse Rifle 36/72/144 4d6+1 3 3 30 d4 4 lbs. -1 75,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: +1 Shooting, Heavy Pulse.
K-500 Infantry Rail Gun 50/100/200 2d10+2 3 6 10 d12+1 80 lbs. -2 155,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
KE-4 Plasma Ejector 24/48/96 3d12+3 1 0 30 d8 12 lbs. -1 60,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Mega Damage, It Burns
KEP-Special Ion Pistol 5/10/20 1-3d10 1 0 10 d4 4 lbs. 1 26,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Kittani Energy Lance 75/150/300 4d6+4 1 8 40 d8 20 lbs. -2 120,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Mega Damage, Snapfire, +2 on Called Shots. Integrated Multi-Optics Scope. As a melee weapon it deals Str+2d4 Mega Damage, AP 2.
Kizh Ion Rifle 20/40/80 1-3d10+3 1 0 25 d8 13 lbs. -2 44,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Front fins are an integral melee vibro-weapon: Str+3d4 Mega Damage, AP 12.
Kizh Plasma Pistol 10/20/40 3d12 1 0 15 d6 6 lbs. -1 24,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Mega Damage, It Burns. Front fins are an integral melee vibro-weapon: Str+2d4 Mega Damage, AP 8.
Octuril Particle Ejector 36/72/144 4d8+2 1 8 20 d8 14 lbs. -2 26,000
AtDS56Rifts: Atlantis & The Demon Seas, page 56
Notes: Disintegration, Atomic Annihilation, No Recoil. Designed to be used by a prehensile tentacle or tail, otherwise –2 on all checks.
TX-11 Sniper Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6+1 1 4 20 d4 3 lbs. -3 20,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
Notes: Shooting +1, Snapfire, Mega Damage.
TX-16 Pump Rifle 24/48/96 4d4+4 1 6 16 d6 21 lbs. -2 37,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
Notes: Reload 2, 200 credits per cartridge.
TX-26 Particle Beam Pistol 12/24/48 3d8 1 4 15 d6 5 lbs. -3 35,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Disintegration, Atomic Annihilation, No Recoil
TX-30 Ion Pulse Rifle 20/40/80 1-3d10 3 0 50 d6 7 lbs. -2 25,000
TLPG100The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 100
Notes: Heavy Pulse, Wide Spread
TX-5 Pump Pistol 12/24/48 4d4+2 1 4 5 d4 5 lbs. -1 13,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
Notes: Reload 2, 200 credits per cartridge.
TX-50 Rail Gun 50/100/200 2d10+2 3 5 20 d12 70 lbs. -3 50,000
TLPG102The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 102
Viggo’s Custom Firearms
Legacy Bolt Action Rifle 30/60/120 2d10+2 1 4 5 d4 10 lbs. * 10,000
B&B38Rifts North America: Blood & Banes, page 38
Notes: Snapfire
Provider Single-Shot Breech Loading Rifle 50/100/200 2d12+2 1 6 1 d4 16 lbs. * 16,000
B&B38Rifts North America: Blood & Banes, page 38
Notes: Mega Damage, Snapfire
Savage Pump-Action Rifle 24/48/96 2d8+2 1 3 5 d4 14 lbs. * 14,300
B&B38Rifts North America: Blood & Banes, page 38
Wellington Industries
WI-23 Mini-Missile Launcher as missile 5d6 1 8 6 d8 26 lbs. -2 30,000
TLPG103The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 103
Notes: Mini-Missile, Snapfire, SBT.
WI-40M Missile Launcher as missile 8d6 1 24 1 d12 120 lbs. -3 25,000
TLPG103The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 103
Notes: Medium Missile, Snapfire, MBT, disposable one-use, flammable items within an MBT may catch fire (including shooter, if not wearing EBA).
WI-FT1 Plasma Flamethrower cone 3d12+3 1 0 8 d8 30 lbs. -4 30,000
EoH43Rifts North America: Empires of Humanity, page 43
Notes: Mega Damage, It Burns, may be Evaded (at –2, or –4 on a raise).
WI-LP3 Pepperbox 6/12/24 3d4 4 1 4 d4 1 lbs. 0 12,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
Notes: RoF uses one Shot each, Reload 2, –2 to Notice rolls made to detect the derringer.
Wilk’s Laser Industries
Wilk’s 227 Pulse Pistol 15/30/60 3d6 3 2 24 d6 3 lbs. -1 24,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
Notes: 3RB.
Wilk’s 237 Backup Pistol 10/20/40 3d6+3 1 4 12 d6 3 lbs. -1 24,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
Wilk’s 320 Laser Pistol 15/30/60 3d6 1 2 20 d4 2 lbs. 1 11,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
Notes: The "Classic" is Shooting +1.
Wilk’s 447 Laser Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 1 2 20 d4 5 lbs. 0 18,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
Wilk’s 457 Pulse Rifle 24/48/96 4d6 3 3 30 d6 6 lbs. -2 40,000
TLPG101The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, page 101
Notes: Heavy Pulse.

Techno-Wizardry Item
